CIAM FLYER Editorials | |
Issue # 1
1990 Editorial Art Schroeder, USA A NEW EFFORT!
This Newsletter is a new communication of the CIAM and the Sub-Committee for Information
and Education. It is intended to provide information about CIAM modelling activities,
news from variuos national aeroclubs particularly youth and training efforts, as well as
schedules of international and national events. It will only be as successful as our
ability to convince all concerned parties to submit material for use on these pages, it
is intended that the CIAM Flyer be distributed to all magazine editors around the world,
to all member aeroclubs and their modelling committees, to all delegates and
officers of CIAM.
Issue # 2
1992 Editorial Theodore Gorgiadis, Athens, Greece WHAT IS AN AEROMODELLER?Strange one should ask this question now that we have progressed so far in technology, computers, video games and travels to the stars! Think back and remember the youthful days when first coming into contact with this hobby-sport, from that simple rubber model to the more sophisticated hi-tech projects that now could compete at World Championship level. Thus far this aeromodeller has progressed from the fun-park-loving flier, who thrills at the very sound of a model engine in the distance, creating a compulsive attraction to run towards that magical sound merely to watch and be a part of the experience. |
The movement has grown and extends far and wide to all corners of the world. Aeromodellers are indeed a special breed as in any sport with a common language that has no barriers to nationalities. There is a special bond that brings modelers of all nations together, free in speech and thought, in comradership without political prerequisites. they discuss freely their ideas, their pet projects, the effects of the hobby-sport on the community, and naturally, the competitive urge of the sport exists. Competition is that ultimate goal of all to seek a measure of success for their hard work and discipline, much to the aknowledgement by their very own peers. Strange how an aeromodeller is not just an aeromodeller who seeks to enjoy his hobby on his own; being an aeromodeller is a form of belonging, helping gather and sharing of materials, of being useful to oneself and the community to advance this great hobby sport. It is of bringing people and families together of all creeds without prejudice and any need to take advantage there exists an unwritten code of honor, conduct and sportsmanship. Strange isn't it, how "we can" get along? "If everyone was a modeller, what a wonderful world this could be" | |
Issue #3
| 1993 Editorial The editing team (J. Konstantakatos, Th. Georgiadis, A. Papadopoulos)
1990: A NEW EFFORT! Aeromodelling is the only air sport that is readily approachable by youth and this extends to ages of a single figure. It's no coincidence then, that many teachers who had the opportunity to experience the hobby within their school system, reported (to name but a few examples) that Aeromodelling can offer: |
CIAM is not just "another " commission within the FAI. It is an active body with far-reaching duties to serve a wide range of ages, making it a real contributor in sporting/recreation activities all over the world. it's parameters are not restricted to merely preparing the Sporting Code for the competitive side of Aeromodelling. It has, with the stimulation of the Information and Education Committee, the insight of the great potentials that can be harnessed by this Hobby /Sport to guide youngsters towards a meaningful path in society. It is axiomatic that any youngster who makes model airplanes is too busy to get into trouble. | |
Isue #4
1994 Editorial J. Konstantakatos, Athens, Greece A Junior "problem" or an Adult "solution"? - Where are the Juniors? - Are we the last generation? Between these two questions that have appeared in the modelling press, there is a time period of many years. It seems that the Junior problem is still wandering. |
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Issue #5
1995 Editorial Jack Sile, England John Konstantakatos has done an excellent job as the CIAM Flyer editor. I for one wish to thank him and his team for their efforts in creating a first class "modellers" magazine over the past few years. John has passed the baton to me and I can only hope to be as successful as he has been in presenting the preceding of the Flyers to you. I was introduced to aero-modelling some forty years ago in Sonoma, California, U.S.A. My interest, like yours, came from a love of aviation. Modelling has presented as both an exciting sport and a relaxing hobby that can be shared with others in a grand way or practiced in solitude with one's favourite music in the background. |
It is indeed a pleasure and a personal achievement to be involved with the my hobby at such a high level and to have met and shared even more exciting moments with my fellow aeromodellers. I would like to thank John for his advice and encouragement and also those who have helped to put this issue together. Keep helping those youngsters to share in what many of us know are both exciting and rewarding moments. Jack Sile |
Issue #6
1996 Editorial Jack Sile, England Another year of aeromodelling has come and gone and for me this is my second issue with new reports and photos to high-light 1995. Congraulations of course go to the winners and partcipants of all international events held throughout the year. My thanks to those who have taken the time to submit reports and articles to the Flyer. We would like to include more technical information in 1997, so if you could please send us the details of both pilot and aircraft. Three view drawings and detailed photos would be appreciated. In addition, I would like to ask all competition organisers to send results, photos and pertinent information as soon as possible after an event. This helps with tight deadlines and insures that your contest and the winners receive maximum publicity. |
Turkey also needs to be congratulated on winning the nomination for the World Air Games in 1997. This is going to be a major event and the inclusion of aeromodelling is a very welcome gesture. Please join with me in wishing the organisers every success. The FAI now has a web site and is on the internet. Plans are being made to put this issue of the flyer on the internet as quickly as possible after publication. This should insure the widest possible dissemination of news about the CLAM s activities. Please continue to send your information to me as early as possible, but not later than Jan 14,1997. Jack | |
Issue #7
1997 Editorial Jack Sile, England This could be one of the most exciting years in aeromodelling that we have yet experienced. The World Air Games are promising to be one of the most important milestones in modelling aviation history. As always, you are playing an important part in the promotion of our sport/hobby. Those that have so generously supported the Flyer with written and photographic material once again demonstrate the continued growth of world wide interest in CIAM activities. Your individual and combined efforts are greatly appreciated. We continue to experiment with the Internet and hope to improve our communication links with all our members in 1997. |
A great deal of hard work has been put forth by Thierry Montigneaux in establishing our part of the FAI web page and we hope that even more help is forthcoming this year. We now better understand our needs and your technical skills are needed if we are to include in our web pages, everything we would like to see. And once again my annual appeal for articles, photos and illustrations for the 1998 Flyer. Do keep using that fill-in flash, sending head and shoulders photos for author credit, and providing as much technical information about models as you can. Jack
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Issue #8
1998 Editorial Jack Sile, England Once again I have the opportunity to thank all of you who have contributed to the CLAM Flyer. I still look forward to the ideal situation where contributors will send articles and competition results much closer to the end of an event rather than during the annual rush in February! Still, all help is appreciated, and please continue to send in your reports, photos and technical information. Please note that the Technical Secretary, Mr Tony Aarts, would like to encourage you to attempt to better some of the existing aeromodelling records that are available. There seemed to be a lack of enthusiasm for attempts this year and Tony would like to remind everyone that the records are there for you to claim. I would like to wish you a very happy flying season and the best of luck in your modelling endeavours. Jack |
Issue # 9
1999 Editorial Jack Sile, England I would like to thank all those that helped in putting this issue together. Once again there is a fair crop of reports and photos relating to CIAM Championships and World Cup events. In 1998 I participated, as a Team Manager for New Zealand, in the first F3J World Championships. This was a very exciting experience and is somewhat of a milestone in my modelling experience. This is for me, a very important step along the way in a fairly new career in international aeromodelling. On the other hand, one man who has had a long and distinguished career in our sport/hobby is our President, Mr. Sandy Pimenoff. I relinquish the rest of my editorial to the FAI's Secretary General. Jack |
PIMENOFF RULES CASI Despite a career of unrivalled and length as President of the FAI Aeromodelling Commission (CIAM), and the award of the FAI Gold Medal for the services he has rendered to air sport, the energies of Sandy Pimenoff show no sign of abating. At the FAI General Conference in Toulouse (3O September 1998) he was elected as President of CASI, the General Air Sport Commission of FAI - which has responsibility, amongst other things, for the General Section of the Sporting Code containing rules applicable to all forms of sporting aviation. So now full-size aviation is under the control of an aeromodeller. It says much for Sandy Pimenoff's reputation and legendary chairmanship skills that he defeated all comers to take this key FAI post. Max Bishop FAI SECRETARY GENERAL | |
Issue #10
2000 Editorial Jack Sile, England Issue 10! As 'they' say time flys when you are having fun. It really is exciting reading all about International Aeromodelling. So much seems to be happening around the world and as you will read, more is planned for the new millennium. Many thanks go to those who contributed to this issue. As usual it's your input that keeps things moving and advertises your discipline. Many of our readers look forward to hearing about Championship events and I would encourage you to report your activities as early as possible to insure inclusion in the Flyer. Discussion is currently going on in the Bureau regarding the use of a web site. Whether the Internet is the vehicle of the future for our organization remains to be debated. Your input of course will be valuable in any discussion about the Flyer. So we look forward to hearing from you on this subject. Jack |
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